Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Start

Out with the old, in with the new. The long dormant blog has been wiped and given a brand new purpose. 

Over the most recent holidays, I wandered into Barnes & Noble for my annual "is there anything in here that would make a marginally ok xmas gift for several people whom I never have a clue what to get" shopping trip. I did indeed find a couple of gifts so the trip was worth it.

But it was also worth it because I found a book called "642 Things To Write About", which is supposed to help spark a writer's creativity. I flipped thru it for several minutes and decided to get it. Then it sat near my computer for many days, mocking me, taunting me, basically forcing me to consider the futility of purchasing it if I wasn't going to make any use of it.

So...I am going to make use of it. By posting the results here of what I come up with for the exercises in this book, I intend to get my decades-long writer's block unstuck. I'm not on any schedule. I'll post when I have something I think is worthwhile to post.

Can't hurt, right? 

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